
While voting is not enough to secure our liberty, voting is absolutely essential in this and every election — at every level of government.

The VA gubernatorial race is a toss-up where every vote clearly counts, but in NJ gubernatorial race the pundits say Murphy’s election is inevitable.

However, if every taxpayer who does not want to pay more taxes, every citizen who wants to be safe from illegal alien criminals and pot smoking drivers, and every gun owner who does not want to be a criminal for exercising his second amendment rights comes out to vote against Murphy, then he will lose.

Get out to the polls early and help your friends and family (who will vote the right way) to do so. Every vote counts.

God Bless America,


P.S. Tune out the fake news and tune into truth:

–Watch Prager University Videos – 5 minute videos for students and adults so powerful that search altering Google has censored or demonetized over 50 of its videos!

–Listen to Mark Levin. Essential listening each night between 6-9 pm on WABC radio and podcasts.

Frequent these sites. – original content that highlights the dishonesty of the media and provides a wide range of news not otherwise found. – original content of honest news that complements Breitbart – content aggregator that brings to light important stories ignored by much of the media – main news site of Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center, which exposes liberal media bias

–For Television, Fox News is tops, but One America News is worth viewing (on Fios and a few other cable operators). – Subscribe to CRTV for Levin TV, Louder with Crowder, Michelle Malkin Investigates, Phil Robertson’s new show and more

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